Monday 24 December 2012

Five Foods That Cause Cancer

1. Hot Dogs
Because they are high in nitrates, the Cancer Prevention Coalition advises that children eat no more than 12 hot dogs a month. If you can't live without hot dogs, buy those made without sodium nitrate.

2. Processed meats and Bacon
Also high in the same sodium nitrates found in hot dogs, bacon, and other processed meats raise the risk of heart disease. The saturated fat in bacon also contributes to cancer.

3. Doughnuts
Doughnuts are cancer-causing double trouble. First, they are made with white flour, sugar, and hydrogenated oils, then fried at high temperatures. Doughnuts, says Adams , may be the worst food you can possibly eat to raise your risk of cancer.

4. French fries
Like doughnuts, French fries are made with hydrogenated oils and then fried at high temperatures. They also contain cancer- causing acryl amides which occur during the frying process. They should be called cancer fries, not French fries, said Adams .

5. Chips, crackers , and cookies
All are usually made with white flour and sugar.. Even the ones whose labels claim to be free of trans-fats generally contain small amounts of trans-fats.

Monday 10 December 2012

General Health Habits You Should Know

Foot Health: Many Women have feet that have been deformed by years of discomfort in badly fitting shoes. much misery, nervous exhaustion and bad temper is caused by women's shoes funny but true. A poorly fitting shoes put unnecessary strain on muscles and tender  parts where pressure was never intended to be, Thus causing bunions, corns, hard callouses, and in grown nails. often poor posture, awkward carriage, various aches and pains are traceable to improper shoes. foot strain tends to make the victim tense, irritable and unhappy.

     In the case of ladies , if the right kind of shoe is worn everyday at work and for general use, the foot will be kept healthy and strong so that higher-heeled shoe worn occasionally will then do no harm.

     A cheap shoe for work is not really cheap, usually it does Not support the foot properly. a well fitted shoe with low or very moderate heel should be worn at work. the inside line should be straight and the outside should taper gradually. The heel should fit snugly and the lace should be tight enough to be firm over the instep. the toe-cap of the shoe should be a finger's breadth beyond the top of the big toe.
    It is equally as important to have the nose long enough. it is a wise plan to buy socks or stocking a little longer than the foot. nose that is too tight it causes cold feet by restricting circulation, thus leading to corns and calloures, irrespective of what shoe are worn. the general remedy for cold feet is in taking a hot and cold foot bath daily, correcting the diet and general habits and seeing that hoes and shoes are well fitted.

Skin Care : the Skin is the body's front line defense and naturally comes in contact with much dirt. if the oil from the skin is allowed to accumulate and picks up extra dirt. if this is not removed frequently a stale odour will be evident which may be very unpleasant to those. in addition to being  offensive to others, it clogs the pores, thus preventing the skin from doing its work well. two cleansing baths weekly are essential for the skin to do its work properly in addition  more baths or partial baths are necessary to prevent body odour.
    The underwear absorbs secretions from the skin and most be changed at least twice weekly.
  some are distressed by unusually strong body odours in such cases it is important to watch the general health. water should be drunk frequently.
        There maybe excessive perspiration of the feet, due to the body trying to get rid of impurities in this manner. the remedy is the frequent changes of socks or stocking airing of shoes, and careful attention to health.

Care of the Face; Manufactures, Knowing every Woman's desire for beauty. Advertise all kinds of lotion and cleans which are supposed to contain vital skin is not feed from outside, but from the inside. some naturally have finer skin than others. buty a clean skin all may have is important. A little cream maybe needed if the skin is dry. if any make up is used is should be removed at night(important).

    the following health practices will do more than any lotion to procure a healthy skin.
1) vigor outdoor exercise daily.
2) Four to six glasses of drinking water daily.
3) A diet seventy five percent fruit and vegetables.
4) the avoidance of rich foods or refined sugars.
5) keeping the skin very clean.

Breathing; Breathing is not only the receiving of air into the body, but also the absorption of oxygen. Air is made to enter the chest by enlarging the chest cavity sometimes only the top of the chest is used in breathing as in the case of person who wear tight belt or other tight clothing around the waist when only the top of the chest is used to breathing, toxic matter accumulates in the lower part, and of one is much likely to fall a prey to one of the many chest diseases, idle cells are easily overcome.

  When speaking, one should breathe deeply enough to feel the movement of the abdominal muscles. this will increase the volume of the voice, reduce the amount of energy used in speaking and avoid throat irritation. the throat is injured sometimes to a great extent by loud talking when there is only shallow breathing.
    the digestion, the liver and the whole abdomen need the stimulation produced by the strong action of the lower part of the chest in deep breathing. the principal action in breathing is in the lower part of the chest, but the whole chest should be moved to ventilate every part of the lungs.
   oxygen is essential for the tissues to remain alive. the lungs absorbs oxygen from each breath and in turn give carbonic acid gas and other gases, it is very important to take several deep breath outdoors daily.
  Persons with slow digestion may find a cure in deep breathing. the diaphragm will helpfully massage the stomach with each breath.

   more to come !!
                                                                                 Dr ini-fabian

Sunday 9 December 2012

New Study; Yawning helps In Cooling The Brain

To most, yawning is a sign of sleepiness. But a new study shows that it could also be the body’s way of cooling down the brain.

Researchers  found that people are more likely to yawn in the wintertime, since the temperature of the outside air is cooler than their internal body temp. That’s because when you yawn, you bring outside air into your body and when you yawn to bring in cold air, it cools down your brain.

Thursday 6 December 2012

5 Benefits Of Drinking Coffee

Coffee has many benefits in helping as a natural preventative maintenance agent. Many years of trying to proof that coffee is unhealthy has taken a turn for the better, much of the observations done on those drinking coffee on a regular basis has much better results in terms of health.

Thursday 29 November 2012

Healthy Food for the Eyes ;


                                                   (RICE WITH CARROT)

       Good eyes sight really and greatly improve one’s quality of life one of the many ways of improving and maintaining good eyesight is through increasing intake of vegetables and fruits which are rich in vitamins and minerals

Friday 9 November 2012

Tips On Minimizing Possibility Of Fire Outbreak In Your Kitchen

Most fires in our homes starts from the kitchen. kitchen fires result mainly from human failing to minimize the possibility of kitchen fire outbreak you need to take consideration to some key factors below.

- Never leave your cooking unattended to.
- Wear short or close fitting sleeves, as loose clothing can catch fire.

Friday 26 October 2012

Fitness "Its All About Attitude"

      So we have tackled things you need to know about a positive attitude towards healthy living and are more conscious were our hands go to avoid germs. but like any challenge is having the right mental attitude, you see when you think of eating healthy and exercising hard, inconvenient and unimportant that's what it becomes, however  when you see it as what it is a lifestyle of living well and healthy then that's what it will become and you will be motivated to do it.

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Positive attitude towards living healthy

 A lot of families are unhealthy, spending huge sums of money and valuable time in the hospitals and drugs. This development is mostly as a result of our unhealthy habits and choices, especially due to ignorance, but sometimes simply because of our own carelessness and laziness.
  for us to start enjoying good health in our bodies and our families, we have to make serious changes in our life styles and eating habits. parents are the ones to lay  a good foundation for their children in everything

Friday 12 October 2012

peaceful sleep

 Due to the hurry and bustle of our modern world INSOMNIA is a characteristic malady of our age. Tension due to life's tempo, is every where evident, because of life's exacting demands, there are growing numbers whose nerves stubbornly refuse to settle. and whose minds will persist in feverishly working long after the blessed oblivion of sleep should have brought rest and release.
   scientifically proven there is no physical exhaustion that equals emotional. if you are worried anxious, or tense or if you have quarreled and feel in consequence that your world is black, you will be far more exhausted than the man who has labored hard all day but has mental peace.

Thursday 5 July 2012

germs and bacteria

           Germs and bacterial
        Spotting germs around    
As we go about our daily activities, often do not stop to consider all of the places here e could accidentally pick up harmful germs and bacteria and make the effort to keep those surface or tools clean.
   Although some germs could benefit our bodies many of these germs and bacterial can make us sick very quickly.