Friday, 9 November 2012

Tips On Minimizing Possibility Of Fire Outbreak In Your Kitchen

Most fires in our homes starts from the kitchen. kitchen fires result mainly from human failing to minimize the possibility of kitchen fire outbreak you need to take consideration to some key factors below.

- Never leave your cooking unattended to.
- Wear short or close fitting sleeves, as loose clothing can catch fire.

- Watch children closely, when old enough to teach them cooking safety
- Clean cooking surface to prevent food and grease build up.
- Keep curtains, towels and other flammable items away from stove surface.
- turn pan handles inwards to prevent food and grease build up.
- Replace any cracked or frayed cords on appliances.
- Never ever overload electrical outlets, you might cause an electrical fire by plugging too many appliances into the same outlet.

     with this few tips we would minimize the risk of fire outbreak in the kitchen but as the saying goes we can never be too careful. in a case were there is fire outbreak in the kitchen here are few ways to crop the intensity of the fire outbreak.

- keep a multipurpose (ABC) fire extinguisher in the kitchen. make sure you know how to use it.
- Slide a pan lid over flames to smother a grease or oil fire, then turn off the heat and leave the lid  in place until the pan cools. never carry pan outside.
- Keep oven door shut and turn off the heat to smother an oven fire.
-For micro wave fire, keep the door closed and unplug the microwave. call the fire department and make sure to oven serviced before you use it again.
- For any fire that does not go out quickly evacuate the area and call the fire department immediately.

   In the cause of putting out the fire we might get burn injuries this is what you should do immediately.

- If your clothing catches fire "STOP, DROP and Roll" DO NOT RUN, as this will only fan the flames. stop where you are, drop to the ground and roll over and over to smother the flames. cover your face with your hands to protect it, as well to shield your throat and lungs from burns.
-if some one else's clothes is on fire, push them to the ground and roll them over and over or smother the flames with a blanket or rug or a coat.
- cool a burn with running coll water so if someone gets burned , run cool water over the burn for 5 to 10 minutes. this will prevent continued burning and relieve the pain.
- If the burn is blisterd , see the doctor as soon as possible. burns may be worse than they seem at first.
   stay safe
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