Friday, 12 October 2012

peaceful sleep

 Due to the hurry and bustle of our modern world INSOMNIA is a characteristic malady of our age. Tension due to life's tempo, is every where evident, because of life's exacting demands, there are growing numbers whose nerves stubbornly refuse to settle. and whose minds will persist in feverishly working long after the blessed oblivion of sleep should have brought rest and release.
   scientifically proven there is no physical exhaustion that equals emotional. if you are worried anxious, or tense or if you have quarreled and feel in consequence that your world is black, you will be far more exhausted than the man who has labored hard all day but has mental peace.

   often the real need is a few hours or a few days away. visit a park, go out of your tarine, climb a mountain(not advisable) exercise your body take that vacation you need. strange but true, however is the fact that what is often needed by a tense, sleepless individual is not a change of environment but change in diet  it has been truly said that we are what we eat. if your diet includes food which are natural, plan, well-balanced and excludes  rich and irritating foods. we will have clearer nerves and calmer nerves. if our evening meal is a light one, consisting for instance of only  fruit and toast, our stomach is then able to rest at night with the other parts of the body. the blood is free to to do its work of cleansing the organs of waste, instead of being called to the stomach, most of the night to digest food.
   Most people neglect this no matter what  your doing breakfast is important, to be honest i often neglect this. Breakfast is a vital factor in healthful sleep. It should be eaten calmly and masticated well. we should rise early enough to avoid rushing over with breakfast. it is an essential health rule to eat a good breakfast with plenty of fruits and whole grains, cereals or toast,a moderate amount of milk will and if possible eggs. with this you will find out that you will be more able to carry out you daily work efficiently  The knowledge of work well done is in itself , conducive to restful sleep. But what of those who object to no appetite first thing in the morning? the simple and effective remedy for this is to have a small meal for the 6-7 o'clock tea, Thus the stomach is given proper rest at night. A few days of this and a regular healthy craving for a hearty breakfast results.
   If we checked the actual food intake of many children for a day, we would not wonder that they are cross and rebellious when disciplined or checked. we would no longer wonder that they are restless at night or cry out in their sleep. A child should never be forced to eat. insomuch as they have to all ways remember regularity and balanced diet are as vital for children as adult.
   It is surprising how many problems are automatically settled by having a well balanced diet, mental as well as physical problems have a direct connection with diet. A good diet means a healthy stomach, mental vigor, refreshing sleep and a pleasanter disposition.
   Exercise neccesary : Exercise is essential if sound sleep is to be enjoyed. Attention is wisely given by some to indoor exercise . such as those for reducing or molding the figure whatever their nature, exercise should be done before an open window or better still in the open air.
   the best exercise is that taken outdoors in the form of play or work. A man with a sedentary occupation will do well to spend at least half an hour in the garden each evening.
  Walking also is an excellent form of exercise it should be a brisk walk with pace enough to make the heart beat faster and lungs breath more freely.
    For the brain workers or Affiliate marketers or bloggers like me, who are always cracking their brains to earn commissions on sale and Seo tactics etc. exercise is positively essential otherwise too much blood will be called to the brain. he may feel he cannot take time to exercise , but in actual fact the cannot afford not to take it. with moderate exercise a person will sleep better and be more able to face the next day with vigor.
 "it may be a comforting thought to know that if a person is relaxed he is resting even if he is not asleep"
Note; Nothing will make a person relax promoting a feeling of restfulness like simple faith in the fact that God is caring for them. Peace more to come!!


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